Sensory Screenings

Disclaimer: All the health index scores referred to in this website were developed to help you gain better understanding of your health relative to preventive health information provided herein. Where in doubt, your health care provider takes precedence over recommendations derived from this website.

Based upon currently used inflammation score, cardiac risk factors, international prostate symptom score, pain scale etc, we have developed AI-based* questionnaire (PSBQ TM) that will enhance your basic understanding of the information provided by

Please be informed that following questionnaire is adapted from PHQ* for headache and psychological conditions; Vision Screening/Visual Aquity/Photoscreening for eyes; TSH* for thyroid; PTH* for Parathyroid; Peak Flow/PFT* for lungs; Mammography for breast; EKG*, Coronary Calcium Score, Cardiac Enzymes, Echo, Exercise Stress Test, Cholesterol Screening for heart; H Pylori* for stomach; FBS*, A1C* and GTT* for metabolic diseases; Fractionated Amylase for pancreas; Pap Smear for Cervix; PSA* for Prostate; DRE*, FOBT* and Colonoscopy (Conventional or Virtual) for colon. The screening tools are not limited to the previously listed but when the need arises and further research studies are obtained, then our team will update the list to reflect the new advances. Most of the screening tools are found to be age-dependent.

Click here if you are ready to upload personal health information to HIPAA-compliant database.


  • A1C Glycosylated Hemoglobin
  • EKG (or ECG) Electrocardiogram
  • FBS Fasting Blood Sugar
  • FOBT Fecal Occult Blood Test
  • GTT Glucose Tolerance Test
  • PFT Pulmonary Function Test
  • PHQ Patient Health Questionnaire
  • PTH Parathyroid Hormone
  • TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

USPSTF. impaired visual acuity in older adults: screening. 2016.*



Center for Preventive Health

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