The main focus of appropriate preventive care is to improve overall health via periodic screenings such as undertaking of physical examinations (Sport, Pre-op, and Pre-employment • High blood pressure evaluation).
The key to keeping people of all ages healthy: screenings, dental check-ups, and vaccinations. However, many in the population don’t get the preventive care they need due to the following barriers: cost, not having a primary care provider, living too far from providers, and lack of awareness about recommended preventive services.
It is a well-known fact that the incidence and burden of chronic diseases can be reduced by preventive services (information gap), but providers often fail to prioritize preventive services (implementation gap) and this leads to their underutilization. The mainstay of this website is to minimize the information gap and we like to pride ourselves as first global preventive healthcare portal that caters to the general wellness of mankind. The other preventive healthcare portals are there for the insured patients while providing limited access to the rest.
Teaching people about the importance of preventive care is key to making sure more people get recommended services. Law and policy changes can also help more people access these critical services.